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Objective 1:
Focus on one child and learn how to document what happens in his/her sessions and the progress he/she has made using Early Intervention Services Rendered forms.
Activities and Resources:
Choose a child and develop an understanding of why he/she is receiving services
Observe the speech-langauge pathologist with the child and take notes on her strategies
Ask questions when necessary
Reference the speech pathologist's previous notes when learning to write my own notes
Include in my portfiolio the weekly forms I will fill out after meeting with the child during her at home individual therapy
Include in my portfolio the weekly forms I will fill out for one of the eight children I see at the language group weekly.
Objective 2:
Create a therapy material that can be used to plan and co-faciliate a therapy session for children ages 0-3 in Early Intervention
Activities and Resources:
Observe the speech pathologist in both the individual and group settings
Take note and brainstorm ideas for the activity
Assist with therapy sessions to prepare myself for the activity
Include pictures of the materials used for my activity in my portfolio
Include pictures of me using my therapy material while co-facilitating a therapy session with my supervisor
Include the information sheet I made for parents with children in Early Intervention which explains the activity and the significance of it
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